Scarlet Nyeitera!
4 min readDec 17, 2022

If I told you I would wear wigs again after last year you would think I am crazy. The pustules and insecurities associated with bad skin due to external products added from wigs were a disgrace. That's a story for another day. Until Madam discovered she had Alopecia.

This is something I was holding on but well here goes. Was heading out with a friend for their birthday, and they go off like. Hollup, Scarlet you aren't entering my car with that hair. I ask him what was wrong, cause I had just washed it. It looks bad, horrible, he points my hand to my back hair, I literally had a patch. Picture, that one place in the yard that many people step on and the grass never grow, that's how my head looked like. I had a patch. Yes, I had to put on a bucket hat in the evening, embarrassing right, cause my head was swimming in all my berets. Berets and bucket hats had to be a summer theme essentially.

We have all seen someone's hair, and wondered, oh what happened? Front Alopecia is common so one can associate it with over plaiting. We tend to forget back alopecia, in that I tried searching for it, yet it all is Alopecia. For clarity’s sake, ALOPECIA is the partial or complete absence of hair from areas of the body where it normally grows. This lady I once went to plait my hair from had back alopecia, I hummed, got plaited looked pretty. Didn’t know I would get the same fate, cause why was my hair falling out in two weeks? The lady had even convinced me of the healing “Ghanian castor oil”, omo it worked magic by having that minty sensation but guess what G.C.O, never worked. Why are we always looking for the shortest way out yaani.

This year I tried to be that girl girl, not the usual rushing to a saloon cause they would sort me out. I had to learn to become self-sufficient, cause ECONOME. I did all the hair masks, the one I loved was the egg yolk, honey and olive oil mixture. Wonders never cease to amuse me, the more I cared for the hair the worse it became. The masks didn't work as well. I tried plaiting in summer, and the same story, the back hair never grew. I thought to myself let me cut the hair, guess what the barbers told me they don’t know how to cut female hair. What next, I thought hard, for a whole month, I tried it all even the argan oil didn't help. We cut the hair, but then cutting off the hair won’t give me satisfaction.

With a flick of a switch, I randomly saw hair dye, magic right? I bought purple hair dye, when I dyed my jet-black hair purple, it would only reflect in the light. I decided to let myself just bleach the hair, to make the purple stronger. The dye was painful, the process long, the results magical, and I was a cute blondie, which wasn't my original plan. As I dyed it blonde, I thought platinum but oh well, the jet-black hair refused platinum. I couldn't change it, I loved the blonde the purple was put on hold. I am sure as all human instincts, some thought, oh yeah she's crazy, who bore her.

Later on, I tried the platinum grey. The side walkers were buzzing, “you look so nice, lovely hair”. I really got so many compliments with that number. I had to become bold, taking various colour risks. After all, style implies originality backed with courage. Lastly, I attempted purple and I really love it. It compliments my eyes and skin tone. It has been amazing that I turned my fickle hair into an experience and exposed my creative side. As often mentioned; you are your own doll 🥰. You never know how many people you are inspiring out there. A reminder to always be kind to oneself despite it all.

Side note; I often interchange short hair and wigs. In my past job, I confused the partners about who was Scarlet. More like an identity thief, which makes me chuckle as Hope claims whenever she watches Melissa McCarthy, she reminds her of me (DT). Recently somebody asked me how fast my hair grows, in a space of two days 😅.

Eventually, when you see a newly bald head on the streets don't ask why.



Scarlet Nyeitera!

Random thoughts! I write so we can grow, blossom and sprout 🌻 My prose and poetry don’t rhyme; some days Direct Translation.